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Why Clothing May Is a Symbol of Self-Esteem?

Clothing are things worn around the human body. Typically, clothing used to be made up of textiles or natural cloth, but over the years it’s also included artificial garments made of artificial animal skin, synthetic sheets of man-made products and other natural products readily found in the surroundings. The word ‘cloth’ refers to all these products, while ‘cloth sewing’ refers only to clothing sewing. A person who wears cloth clothing typically wears it because it feels comfortable on their body and is easy to clean.

Clothes we wear are categorized into different groups depending on how they’re worn. The clothes we wear depend on our status in society: low-caste, lower-class, upper-class, lazy, clean-cut, dignified, fashionable, and so on. Clothing is also affected by the climate we live in: cool in summer and warm in winter. Clothing can be made from a number of natural materials, such as wool, cotton, linen, jute and silk. Clothing is also a socially specific activity: it tells what class people belong to and what sort of lifestyle they have.

Most types of clothes are differentiated according to the way in which they are designed, the way they are sewn, and the colors that they are dyed. Textiles are woven fabrics, such as wool, linen, cotton, and so on. A garment’s construction is the basis for its quality and durability: a fabric that has been treated with chemicals will be hard, stiff, and so on, while a fabric that is treated only with natural oils will be soft and comfortable. Some materials, such as rayon, are suitable both for fashion and for practicality.

Clothing is worn to protect the human body, although it does more than this. Clothing protects us from harsh weather. For example, when it rains, the rain makes the streets slick, which may damage our shoes. At the same time, clothing protects our body parts from the cold: jackets keep the heat away. It is also used to create a certain appearance, for example, to give a certain air of authority or sophistication to the person wearing it. High fashion designers take advantage of this fact every day: for example, high-fashion boutiques for men show off designer suits and designer jeans, which are often made out of high-quality, soft textiles.

Lice infestation can be a great problem. Adult humans usually have about 100 lice eggs in their head, and the problem increases exponentially when more than one person wears the same clothing. This explains why communal washing stations have been set up in schools. Children, in order to keep themselves from spreading lice, must change their clothing regularly. Furthermore, children who do not wear clean clothes are at risk of developing lice scars, which look like wounds or bites from lice.

Another problem regarding clothing is regarding the environmental impact. A lot of clothing is non-biodegradable: most of them will not disappear even after washing. In addition, these clothing do not contribute to the maintenance of the atmosphere. Human beings usually produce an amount of waste that can pollute the environment. When clothing that is worn regularly is washed and then laid on a compost pile, the bad effects of the use of such clothing will be reduced.

Clothing is mainly worn because it provides warmth and protection from the weather. The first instinct of humans to hide their body parts is very strong, and wearing clothes is one way of protecting themselves from the weather. Children especially feel more comfortable in wearing clothes, which make them look more like normal people than how they look when their skin is exposed.

Clothing is not only useful for helping people stay warm and protected from the weather. They may also be worn as symbolic representations of social status. Clothing from certain societies could be considered precious, while clothing from other societies could be considered trash. In some instances, the value of clothing could depend on the social status of the person wearing it. Those who are high in social status could easily wear garments with significant wealth, whereas low-status people could easily wear clothing that represents their low social status.